Given the potentially historic snowstorm, it ended up being quite the slow week at the Minnesota State Legislature following several major votes that were unrelated to education on the House and Senate Floor. 

Bills set to be heard in committee or on the House or Senate Floors this week will be rescheduled. 

Here is what’s on the calendar for next week: 

Legislative Calendar: Feb. 27 - March 3

  • On Feb. 27 at 4:30pm, in the House Ways and Means committee or 30 minutes after the House Floor Session ends, Safe Routes to Schools legislation will be heard. 
  • On Feb. 28 at 3pm, an ethnic studies requirement for all of Minnesota’s public schools will be discussed in the House Education Policy committee. 
  • On March 1 at 10:30am, the House Education Policy committee will be discussing a special education teacher pipeline legislation. 
  • On March 2 at 10:30am, the House Education Finance committee will be discussing legislation related to school discipline, as well as legislation that would support the comprehensive mental health services in Minnesota’s public schools. 
  • On March 3 at 10am, the House Education Finance committee will be discussing compensatory revenue legislation. 

Just a reminder that you can visit the Minnesota State Legislature weekly calendar to see what’s on the agenda for the various committees and floor sessions each week. Additionally, you can check that schedule each day to figure out what committees are available to be viewed virtually.