The Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education met on Aug. 29, recorded and available to watch here, to discuss the superintendent search and approved a resolution to form a superintendent search committee. The committee will be led by Director Lori Norvell and include Directors Adriana Cerrillo and Abdul Abdi.

BWP & Associates, the search firm hired by MPS to help with the superintendent search, is referring to the school board's search committee as a task force. In November, BWP will present the task force with a small pool of candidates for the task force to choose from. BWP is advertising and recruiting for the job through September.

The task force will include student representative Abdihafid Mohamed and another to be chosen by student representative Halimah Abdullah who is unable to serve on the committee. The student representative will appoint a teacher, education support professional, and a principal to the task force.

The teacher and education support professional unions will also appoint a teacher, education support professional, and principal to the task force. The board members not serving on the task force will each appoint a community representative. Task force appointments must be made by Nov. 5.

The school board discussed having the community appointees come from each of the board districts and each of the parent advisory councils, but it’s not clear that this was a formal requirement of the resolution.

The task force will select two to three superintendent finalists from a pool of four to seven candidates brought forward by BWP. The task force will meet Nov. 14 - 20 for a total of about 20 hours. MPS has a superintendent search webpage where updates about the search will be posted.